How Long Does A Memory Foam Pillow Last?

You might be tempted to replace your old headrests with a fantastic memory foam pillow. But, memory foam pillows may be more expensive than conventional ones. So, you wonder: “how long does a memory foam pillow last?” A memory foam pillow can last from 2 to 3 years, even 5 years. It relies on many elements, the most important of which is the type of foam padding employed in the filling.

The following article will provide detailed answers along with related content. Let’s read on to discover more!

How Long Does A Memory Foam Pillow Last?

It Might Last Up To Ten Years

It Might Last Up To Ten Years

A shredded memory foam pillow can last up to five years. According to home accessories experts and manufacturers, Foam headrests do not endure more than five years.

Some manufacturers can extend the life of their pillows for roughly 10 years. However, people who have used the same foam cushions for a long time have reported various health concerns.

You must consider how much of a person’s life is spent in bed. Then, consider all of the above principles and match them to how you use your memory foam pillow.

Does that make you nervous? If it scares you, it suggests you’re experiencing health problems due to your memory foam pillow usage.

We are not attempting to be pessimistic; instead, we are informing you of the realities of using outdated memory foam headrests for years.

Some companies may provide guarantees that are longer than five years or even lifetime warranties on their products. It is best to make a mental note of the different pillows to compare them to your memory foam ones.

What Factors Affect The Memory Foam Pillow Lifespan?

Your Sleeping And Taking Care Habits Also Affect The Lifespan Of Them.

Your Sleeping Position And Taking Care Habits Also Affect The Lifespan Of Them.

Your habits of taking care of your headrests also affect their lifespans. Let’s look at these factors and avoid making mistakes to prolong their good conditions.

Understand Yours Well

You won’t tell when your memory foam pillow needs to be cleaned and when it is better to upgrade it unless you know what you’re doing.  It is because bed mattresses and pillows are made of various materials.

Although both comprise memory foam, the filling method for the pillows and mattresses differs according to the varied uses.

A solid-filled or substantially filled foam cushion, for example, absorbs sweat, body, and hair oils, providing a breeding ground for dust mites. Therefore, to extend the item’s life, you must understand when to clean it.

Avoid Washing The Pillows In Washing Machine

Avoid Using Dryer And Washing Machine

Avoid Using Dryer And Washing Machine

Make sure you don’t wash them in the washing machine. The pillows’ padding is delicate and will quickly tear apart during the washing process in the machine.

As a result, the lifespan of these cushions will be shortened, requiring them to be replaced sooner.

There are various options for regular cleaning and washing memory pillows, which you will learn about in the following paragraphs. Continue reading and constructing a list of these points.

You Must Not Dry Foam Pillows In The Dryer

The same rule holds when it comes to drying! People wash memory foam pillows by hand and use a dryer to speed up the drying process.

However, a common misperception is that drying the pillows on a longer cycle will keep their quality.

You should air dry memory foam headrests but not put them in the dryer machine, you will see that their average lifespan has been reduced from 20 to 36 months, necessitating their replacement.

Make Use Of A High-Quality Pillowcase

Allergy sufferers and those who don’t enjoy sharing their cushions with strangers should always wear memory foam pillow protectors.

A pillow cover also protects the foam pillows from additional upper-level harm such as sweat, saliva, and dust adhering to them.

A pillow cover can also assist in extending the life of the pillow by protecting it from everyday damage.

The fact is that there is a low chance of your memory foam pillow lasting by giving power to the pets on destructive foam pillows.

Considering you should use pillowcases, try to splurge on a specialized zipper pillow cover as soon as possible to prevent your pillow from visible stains and solid or dust mites.

The most extraordinary thing about memory foam pillow covers is that you can take them off and clean them whenever you want.

Clean Regularly

In spite of the fact that pillowcases might prevent many causes of harm to your foam pillows, they can not be enough protection from all causes, especially when you forget to wash them. 

Remember, if the pillowcase is not cared for well enough, it can still have dirt buildup. This may lead to the growth of mold, mildew, and dust mites, which begin many allergy symptoms.

Baking soda and a vacuum cleaner are two excellent methods to clean foam cushions and extend their life. Put some baking soda on top and set aside for thirty minutes.

You may even make it an hour-long for better effects! Rinse the powder using a vacuum cleaner after an hour.

It will eliminate any dust mites, dead skin cells, or other allergies that have taken up residence on your memory foam pillow. In addition, memory pillows can last longer if they are cleaned regularly.

Spot Cleaning Rule

Sweat, Food, And Your Runny Nose May Harm The Pillows

Sweat, Food, And Your Runny Nose May Harm The Pillows

If there are any spots or spills on the cushion, you must clean it immediately! First, rub the spots off your headrest with a moist cloth dipped in mild soap.

These will aid in the removal of typical stains such as saliva, sweat, food, and fluids. For harsher stains like pet urine, alcohol, and blood, a mild soap may be required to remove the stains and foul odor.

Use Deep Cleaning Process

These cleaning cycles entail soaking the memory foam pillow in water. However, you would let the cushion breathe again in extreme circumstances.

Therefore, you must clean it thoroughly, allow the water to soak up completely, and pull out all of the water as soon as possible!

This procedure is not recommended unless your foam pillow has been severely damaged. To guarantee that the fabric of the pillows is not harmed, ensure you properly dry them in the sun and all water has been removed.

This procedure can help you extend the life of a worn-out cushion and keep you using it for longer. Following these steps, you can maintain the pillow odor-free or stain-free for longer.

When Do You Need To Replace Your Memory Foam Pillow?

Read On To See When It’s Time To Replace It

Read On To See When Should Be The Time To Get Rid Of It

It may seem strange, but the typical person loses roughly 8 pounds of skin each year. The amount of dead skin may vary based on how much time you spend in bed each day.

We offer a few guidelines to help you determine whether it’s better to replace your memory foam cushion.

The Pillows Turn Old Because Of Their Ages

We know that memory pillows may last up to three years at a time. So if you recall when you purchased the pillows, you’ll know when it’s time to replace them. You may also note it or set the alarm for it.

When You Are Suffering From Breathing Issues

A house dust mite is a small, insect-like nuisance with a transparent body that may be seen with the naked eye. Fortunately, dust mites are not hazardous, although they feed on human skin flakes. 

Dust mites, as a result, are drawn to your pillow and mattress, which contain a lot of dead skin cells. Dust mites excrete irritants in their feces and body pieces. 

So, if your pillow has mold and dust mites might cause breathing problems when lying in bed. This indicates that they have already been on your bed and do not have room for you.

Furthermore, the concerns such as sneezing, itchy skin, sore neck, and disrupted sleep indicate it’s time to buy a new pillow.

When They Become Floppy And Hard To Pop Back

An excellent cushion has a firm feel and does not readily become floppy. It signifies your foam pillow has failed at life if it became floppy and did not spring back when folded.

You will need to say goodbye with a sorrowful heart and welcome the new ones into your house for a new beginning! We understand the feelings and comfort that your pillows bring you.