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How To Clean A Pillow Top Mattress? (Tools And Steps)

Pillow top mattresses are more prone to stains due to their soft top layers, which are more absorbent, pillow top mattresses are also more prone to stains. A pillow top mattress cannot be turned over like some memory foam mattresses or even standard innerspring mattresses, so they must be cleaned. Therefore, it is crucial to know how to clean a mattress properly. Read our advice below for some helpful tips and tricks.

How To Clean A Pillow Top Mattress? 

You might need several kinds of cleaning products, depending on the types of stains you have. For more information, refer to the lists below.

Tools required for a standard deep clean

What you’ll need to get rid of sweat or urine stains

  • Clean cloths or towels
  • Water
  • A large bowl or a bucket
  • A spray bottle filled with water
  • Liquid dish soap (laundry detergent or upholstery shampoo can also be used)
  • White vinegar
  • Hydrogen peroxide solution
  • Baking soda

General Ways To Clean A Pillow Top Mattress 

Regular cleaning is essential to prolong the lifespan of your mattress. Every time you change your sheets and find a new stain, we suggest spot-cleaning your mattress. Ideally, your mattress should be cleaned and deodorized every six months. 

Baking soda can be used to remove stains in general

Using baking soda

  • Remove your sheets, vacuum the pillow top to eliminate allergens, dead skin cells, and dust, then address any stains and clean the mattress. Use a tiny hand vacuum to do this task if your vacuum doesn’t have an upholstery attachment. 
  • If you want to freshen up the smell of your bed, sprinkle baking soda over the entire surface. 
  • Vacuum off the baking soda after letting it set for about an hour. 

The most effective way to thoroughly clean your mattress and maintain its freshness is as follows:

Try steam cleaning

You might also try steam cleaning your mattress. Before attempting steam cleaning, check the tag on your mattress and the brand’s website, as most manufacturers have specific steam cleaning instructions for their beds. 

Read more: How To Clean Fiberglass From Mattress? Expert Tips

You can also try steam cleaning your mattress

In general, you’ll:

  • Vacuum your mattress as usual.
  • Rather than using baking soda, run a steam cleaner over it.

Ways To Clean A Pillow Top Mattress Of Sweat Stains

You will first need warm water, dishwashing liquid, a bucket, a clean towel, or a bristle brush to remove sweat stains from a pillow top mattress. 

  • In a bucket, mix the water and dish soap. 
  • Use a clean cloth, and gently scrub the mixture onto the mattress. Scrub in a circular motion.
  • Get a fresh, clean cloth, and use water to wipe the soapy water off the bed after letting it lay there for around 20 minutes. 
  • Grab a spray bottle and some white vinegar if the sweat stains are still visible. White vinegar should be sprayed on the stain and left to settle for roughly an hour. 
  • After that, wipe out any extra liquid with a fresh, white towel. 
  • Let your mattress air dry after that.

Ways To Clean A Pillow Top Mattress Of Urine

You should choose an option that addresses both the staining and the smell if you have urine on pillow top mattress. A spray bottle, hydrogen peroxide, white vinegar, baking soda, dish soap, clean towels, and a vacuum cleaner are required for cleaning the mattress.

  • Put your bedding in the washer first, then use a clean towel to absorb as much urine as you can. 
  • Next, use your spray bottle to cover the urine stain of the mattress with vinegar. 
  • Until the mattress is dry, wipe it off with a fresh towel. 
  • Prepare a cleaning solution by combining three teaspoons baking soda, 1 cup hydrogen peroxide, and one teaspoon of dish soap while you wait. Add that to your spray bottle, then use it to remove the stain of the mattress.
  • After around 20 minutes, let it sit, and then dry the mattress with a fresh towel.

Up till the stain on the mattress is removed, repeat this procedure as necessary.

Also, if you wish to get rid of the urine odor, try these tricks

  • After cleaning the urine stain, you can sprinkle baking soda on the affected area and let it sit overnight to help absorb any remaining odor.
  • In the morning, vacuum the baking soda.
  • Adding an essential oil, such as lavender, to your cleaning solution is another option. This could help in the odour’s removal.


Above is some best advice from our experts on how to clean a pillow top mattress; make sure that you strictly follow the instructions to get the most out of it!


  1. Can you use a carpet cleaner for cleaning a mattress? 

    Yes. But the chemicals in carpet cleaners are frequently too harsh for you to sleep on. We advise choosing a natural brand or employing light cleaning agents for mattress cleaning. The best are dish soap and white vinegar. 

  2. Is steam cleaning a pillow top mattress possible?

    Yes, the majority of pillow top mattresses can be steam cleaned. Before using a steamer to remove stains from your mattress, double-check the care tag on your bed.

  3. When should a pillow top mattress be cleaned?

    Even while your pillow top mattress may not seem unclean, it should still receive a gentle cleaning at least once every 6 months. Additionally, you ought to check the bed for any stains and fading. You can save time and money if you take care of these problems immediately.

Harrison Carolean

Harrison Carolean

Harrison Carolean, a Founder of Banner Mattress has over 25 years of experience in the mattress and sleep industries. He specializes in evaluating mattresses, bedding products, and sleep accessories, offering unbiased reviews and recommendations.